Here’s an interactive map you can use to visualize the work of Hans Urs von Balthasar and Adrienne von Speyr, to discover the contents of individual writings, and to see what print and electronic editions of them are available in various languages.

Hans Urs von Balthasar

Adrienne von Speyr
On November 1st, 1940, Adrienne entered the Catholic Church. Almost immediately, she began to receive a cascade of extraordinary graces. Most notable among them was a charism for interpreting the Word of God that found expression in numerous Scriptural commentaries dictated to, and published by, von Balthasar. These are works of classical simplicity and depth that are born of prayer and lead the reader back into its Trinitarian depths.
Main work
Commentaries on Holy Scripture
Adrienne von Speyr’s contemplative exegesis of Holy Scripture bears witness to her special charism for interpreting God’s Word. Her verse-by-verse commentaries on the biblical texts are an invaluable aid to personal prayer in the Johannine and Ignatian spirit of sober enthusiasm that was Adrienne’s own.
Old Testament
The Gospel According to John
Apostolic Letters
The first book written by Adrienne von Speyr after her conversion was devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose assent to God’s will perfectly models the attitude of availability that is the key to the Christian’s participation in the divine plan of salvation.
Prayer and Sacraments
Heaven opens for the earth in the “world of prayer” and the sacraments of the Church. This is the work of Christ, the incarnate Son who reveals the Father in the Holy Spirit and communicates to believers the grace of participation in his own sonship.
State of Life
Writings devoted to explaining the states of life in the Church in order to help readers follow Christ in whichever state God may choose for them.
Man Before God
Man is created to praise, reverence, and serve God. This Ignatian “principle and foundation” animates Adrienne von Speyr’s entire vision of man. For her, we exist before the face of God, the God who is Love and who wishes to give himself to us in an eternal communion.
The “Autobiographical Fragments” written by Adrienne von Speyr in obedience to her confessor chronicle the intense search for God that marked the first 24 years of her life. Other autobiographical texts can be found in her “Posthumous Writings.”
The “Posthumous Writings”
The twelve volumes constituting Adrienne von Speyr’s “Posthumous Works” highlight the charismatic dimension of her mission, which forms the background to her other writings on Scripture and the mysteries of faith. Each volume brings out a different aspect of Adrienne’s multi-faceted spirituality and theology.
The Book of All Saints
Cross and Hell
Mysticism of the Word
Heaven and Earth
A complete list of the original editions and translations of all works by Adrienne von Speyr, as well as a catalog of secondary literature–both maintained and regularly updated by the Hans Urs von Balthasar Archive in Basel–are available for download here.