Hans Urs von Balthasar & Adrienne von Speyr
A Life Held in Readiness for God
The Community of Saint John presents the work and mission of its founders: two great witnesses of Christ for our time.

Life and Mission
It was while working as a Jesuit student chaplain in Basle that Hans Urs von Balthasar encountered Adrienne von Speyr and helped her find the way to the Catholic faith she had sought for so long. The two would go on to devote the rest of their lives to a shared mission in the spirit of Ignatius of Loyola.

Community of Saint John
The mission entrusted to Balthasar and von Speyr found its center in the Community of Saint John, a secular institute for diocesan priests and consecrated laypeople who seek to follow the Lord and to share in the Redeemer’s work of restoring the fallen creation to God the Father.

We’re pleased to offer a comprehensive presentation of the work of Hans Urs von Balthasar and Adrienne von Speyr, whose writings are the fruit of their shared mission in the spirit of Saint John the Apostle.

On this page, you can find books, articles, and other documents by Adrienne von Speyr, Hans Urs von Balthasar, and similar authors available in print or in electronic format.
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