In the present volume (originally published in 1953), Adrienne von Speyr presents a contemplative exegesis of the eighth chapter of the Epistle to the Romans (hence the subtitle: A Meditation on Romans 8). In particular, she revisits the doctrine of predestination Paul lays out in the text. As Hans Urs von Balthasar writes in his foreword to the book, “the theme of this chapter is the ultimate victory of the love of God the Father through Christ in the Holy Spirit in the faithful united as the Church, brothers and coheirs of the Son. Through the Church the whole of creation calling out for redemption also attains its ultimate freedom. Nothing can hold back the constant extension of this victory or prevent the progress of this triumphal train. It is impossible to cut short Saint Paul’s words by putting limits to their meaning. His proclamation has here the character of absolute though progressive totality. Not to have recognized this was the error of those heretics who wanted to find in the final verses a confirmation of their subjective consciousness of being saved, on the basis of an unbiblical doctrine of predestination that sets individuals against other individuals. Adrienne von Speyr avoids this trap, as she already avoided the first one of limiting the Apostle’s words from outside. In keeping with her usual procedure, she remains within the pure unadulterated objectivity of the work of redemption and its application. She does not allow herself to use the term ‘election’ outside the context of salvation-history, therefore as the obligatory imposition of a mission. According to her, this is the biblical, Old Testament, as well as especially Pauline and Johannine, meaning of the mystery of election.”